O programa de formação ENVOLVE resulta de uma parceria entre a PARSUK e a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG) como parte do programa “ENVOLVE Ciência PALOP”. O “ENVOLVE Ciência PALOP” é um programa da FCG de apoio ao desenvolvimento de carreiras científicas em ciências da saúde que pretende apoiar jovens investigadores dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP) a consolidarem as suas carreiras científicas nos seus países de origem, reforçando, desta forma, os sistemas científicos dos países e as ligações institucionais entre a Europa e os PALOP.
O programa de formação ENVOLVE faz parte do programa de bolsas PARSUK Xpand-PALOP e tem por objectivo criar uma rede de parceiros de excelência e apoiar a próxima geração de jovens investigadores Africanos. A PARSUK tem por objectivo representar os interesses dos estudantes e investigadores portugueses no Reino Unido, funcionar como uma rede de promoção do trabalho feito pelos membros PARSUK e de reunir a nossa comunidade em Portugal e nos países de língua oficial portuguesa.
Esta é a primeira formação que se estende e complementa o programa de bolsas PARSUK Xpand-PALOP. O programa ENVOLVE inclui vários webinars nos quais os participantes podem aprender mais sobre como gerir projetos científicos, colaborações em investigação e networking, comunicação científica e comercialização de ciência. O programa inclui 7 webinars interativos começando em março e terminando em julho de 2021.
* todos os webinars serão em inglês e em fuso horário PT/UK
25 March | 4-6 pm
Session 1 Research Ethics
15 April | 4-6 pm
Session 2 Towards Leadership: Obtaining Research Funding
20 May | 4-6 pm
Session 3 Formulating Hypothesis and Translation of Research
17 June | 2-4 pm
Session 4 Innovation Network in Africa
8 July | 5-6 pm
Session 5.1. I wish I knew: Science Communication & Public Engagement
15 July | 5-6 pm
Session 5.2. I wish I knew: Publishing
22 July | 5-6 pm
Session 5.3. I wish I knew: Careers
SESSION 1 : Research ethics
25th March 2021, 4-6pm
Delivered by Dr. Stefan Mol (Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior & Research Methods; Co-founder & Board Member of the Scilink Foundation), Andreia Pinto (Research Associate, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust), Dr. Lewis Au (Visiting Scientist, The Francis Crick Institute)
Ethical dilemmas may arise in all stages of the research process, ranging from stating your research objective, through data collection and analysis, to reporting and publishing your findings. Based on experiences gained in his own research and as part of research ethics courses that he has delivered to various audiences, Stefan will share some key insights pertaining to successfully navigating research ethics dilemmas, including i) challenges encountered in striving to be ethical; ii) types of dilemmas; iii) a structured sequence for arriving at ethically sound decisions and iv) picking your battles and strategies for developing moral courage (including recommended resources).
Hospital environment has the advantage of patient access and that opens the door for many fruitful research, however a strict workflow must be respected regarding patient data information and consent for research. Clinical researchers have the obligation to respect patient ID and to keep it as anonymized as possible, the management of patient information is everyone's responsibility and is regulated by a strict governance body. Andreia will also give an insight of the real life dilemmas of patients and carer, and what are the major struggles. Lewis will discuss ethical and consent considerations from recent experience in setting up a trial investigating COVID19 and cancer during the pandemic, as well from his ongoing involvement in interventional and translational studies in kidney cancer and melanoma.
Dr Stephan T. Mol
Assistant Professor
Stefan T. Mol is assistant professor in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam and co-founder and board member of the Scilink foundation.
Marketing Executive

Dr. Stefan T. Mol
Assistant Professor
Stefan T. Mol is assistant professor in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam and co-founder and board member of the Scilink foundation. He received his Master's degree in psychology at the University of Amsterdam in 2000, and his PhD in psychology in 2007, at the Institute of Psychology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Currently, Stefan spends about half of his time conducting research (on topics relating to researcher mental health, employability, refugee integration, and vacancy mining) and the other half on teaching (on topics relating to research methods and research ethics).

Dr. Lewis Au
Visiting Scientist
Dr. Lewis Au (FRACP, MBBS, BMedSci) is a dual appointed Clinical Research Fellow of the Skin and Renal Units at The Royal Marsden Hospital, and as a Translational Research Scientist at The Francis Crick Institute (FCI). He completed his undergraduate training at The University of Melbourne, Australia, and obtained his Medical Oncology specialist qualification in 2017. He divides his time between the clinic and the Cancer Dynamics Laboratory at FCI.
SESSION 2 : Towards Leadership: Obtaining Research Funding
15th April, 4-6pm
Delivered by Dr. Dawn Duke, Head of Programmes, African Research Excellence Fund
A key step in any researcher’s journey is obtaining funding to support their individual research goals. For early career researchers, navigating the research funding landscape can be daunting. In this workshop, we will discuss the key criteria funders use to allocate research funding and demystify the funding process. We will undertake exercises to help you define and express your unique research potential, enabling you to best position yourself to obtain your own independent funding. Throughout this session experiences, suggestions and top tips gathered from successful grant holders, research funders and grant peer reviewers will be shared so you are able to learn from professionals with range of different perspectives.
By the end of this session participants will have:
• developed a clearer understanding of their own unique research niche;
• began to create a personal development plan to support their funding success;
• learnt valuable tips and strategies for obtaining research funding.
Dr Stephan T. Mol
Assistant Professor
Stefan T. Mol is assistant professor in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam and co-founder and board member of the Scilink foundation.
Marketing Executive

Dr. Dawn Duke
Head of Programmes
Dr. Duke is Head of Programmes for Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF). Dawn oversees AREF’s professional development programmes for postdoctoral researchers in Africa, supporting researchers’ transition to independence. Previously, she was Head of Researcher Development and Engagement at the University of Surrey, supporting doctoral and early career researchers throughout their career journeys and providing supervisor training. Dawn is also an author and editor for the Sage ‘Success in Research’ book series, an HR Excellence in Research Peer Reviewer, a member of the UK Council for Graduate Education Executive Committee and member of the Vitae working group for Continuing Professional Development for Researcher Developers.
SESSION 3 : Formulating hypothesis and translation of research
20th May, 4-6pm
Delivered by Dr. Anji Miller, Senior Business Manager, Technology Transfer, LifeArc, UK
Translational research is crucial to innovation, however this activity is dependent on the ability of researchers to secure funding through funding grants and awards. A strong translational research project will not only address an unknown aspect, supported by a clear hypothesis but also articulate the path to the solution and how this will translate to the real world. This training session aims to highlight and discuss the key aspects of a robust translational research hypothesis and the key requirements for the proposed research to validate a given approach.
Learning objectives:
A clear understanding of the differences between basic and translational research
An understanding of the research and development path for a technology
An understanding of the key elements of a strong translational research proposal
Insights of what a translational funder is looking for in a translational research proposal
Dr Stephan T. Mol
Assistant Professor
Stefan T. Mol is assistant professor in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam and co-founder and board member of the Scilink foundation.
Marketing Executive

Dr. Anji Miller
Senior Business Manager
Anji is a technology transfer professional with over 15 years’ experience of working in the academic and not for profit sector. Her current role as a Senior Business Manager at LifeArc, involves working with academic and charitable establishments to identify and cultivate early-stage healthcare technologies. As a passionate advocate for the Technology Transfer Profession, Anji leads the LifeArc AUTM Technology Transfer Fellowship Programme, a scheme that helps Life Scientists enter the Technology Transfer Profession. Anji has extensive experience of IP and contract management, licensing, business development of healthcare technologies and development of knowledge transfer policies. Previous roles include Intellectual Property and Business Development positions at the Wellcome Trust, St George’s University London and Thomson Pharma. Anji holds a M.Sc. in Human Molecular Genetics and Ph.D in Cancer Genetics from Imperial College, as well as a M.Sc. and Certificate in Intellectual Property Law from Queen Mary, University of London. She is a certified project manager (PRINCE2), registered technology transfer professional (RTTP) and a certified licensing professional (CLP). Anji is a member of the Bioindustry Association Cell & Gene Therapy Advisory Committee and AUTM Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee.
SESSION 4 : Innovation network in Africa
17th June, 2-4pm
Delivered by Dr. Amit N. Thakker (Chairman), Mrs. Marloes Kibacha (Managing Director), Mr. Shadrack Opon (Health Systems Manager) from the Africa Health Business
Developing entrepreneurship skills and bringing new ideas to the market might seem a challenging job especially for researchers. Engaging early on with technology transfer offices from your institutes or research centres can help facilitate and understand the process of protecting your ideas and be successfully bringing those ideas to the market ensuring you are rewarded. Similarly, there are many consulting companies that can help with this process providing insights on business strategy and facilitate engagement with different stakeholders and decision makers. This training session aims to provide an overview of how the health sector works in Africa and where the research fits in that African ecosystem. You will be able to learn from African start-up/founders their experience in this journey, how to become independent, how to promote their ideas in this different setting and feel empowered.

Marloes Kibacha
Managing Director
Marloes Kibacha has more than 10 years’ experience in healthcare research, consultancy and advisory services in Africa. She has strong and extensive network in the wider African and East African (private) healthcare space in particular.
Marloes previously worked for the Kenya Healthcare Federation (Kenya) and the Investment Fund for Health in Africa (the Netherlands). Marloes has also worked with other organizations including: Palladium, Swedfund, WorldBank, PharmAccess Foundation, Sanofi, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Nairobi, UNFPA, Malteser International, IBM, BroadReach Healthcare, Abt. Associates and others.

Dr. Amit N. Thakker
A visionary entrepreneur & an industry captain, Dr. Thakker has been a groundbreaking pioneer in the integration of private sector within the health system in Africa. Dr Thakker actively supports governments, corporates, health organisations and development partners to foster effective Public Private Partnership initiatives towards improved health outcomes. He is the Executive Chairman of Africa Health Business. President of Africa Healthcare Federation, Chairman of the Kenya Healthcare Federation and currently serves as a Director with LumiraDx & Ghanima Limited. As an active member of several institutions including international business group YPO Gold (Nairobi Chapter), Dr Thakker also chairs the University of Nairobi Alumni Medical Chapter & serves as an advisor to Asia Africa Investing & Consulting ltd.

Shadrack Opon
Health Systems Manager
Shadrack Opon is a highly trained Health Systems Manager. He is self-assured, disciplined and dynamic person with excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Shadrack is a project manager at AHB. He is passionate about his work, and dedicates himself to bring positive change in his workplace. Shadrack is a champion for development and productivity. Shadrack has also authored various publications in the health sector.
Uma iniciativa:

SESSION 5: I wish I knew
SESSION 5.1. I wish I knew: science communication & public engagement
8th July, 5-6 pm
Delivered by Ana Barros, Communications Officer, European Animal Research Association
Public confidence in science depends on the scientific community embracing an open and proactive approach to communicate and discuss their work. To bridge the gap between the knowledge created at an academic level and society, researchers should develop communications skills and engage with the public. This session aims to give an overview on the main areas of science communication and includes a brief guidance on how to develop a proactive communication strategy at an institutional level. The workshop will provide the young group leaders with the tools they need to take part in public outreach with more confidence.
SESSION 5.2. I wish I knew: publishing
15th July, 5-6 pm
Delivered by Dr. Marcia Costa (Senior Editor, Lancet Oncology) & Dr. Rafal Marszalek (Deputy Editor, Scientific Reports - Nature)
Publishing research results is crucial for progressing science and advancing the researcher’s career. Reporting in science must be factual, concise, and accurate, and importantly, must clearly describe how the work presented contributes to the field. In this session, we will aim to cover the essential aspects high-impact factor journals are looking for when assessing their submissions, the common barriers for publication, and the importance of transparency in science publishing.
SESSION 5.3. I wish I knew: careers
22nd July, 5-6 pm
Delivered by Dr. Enitome Bafor, Dr. El Hadji Amadou Niang and Dr. Calvin Tiengwe
During this session the participants will hear established researchers their thoughts on career progression (e.g. decision on publication; how to drive the professional career within or outside the lab).
Dr Stephan T. Mol
Assistant Professor
Stefan T. Mol is assistant professor in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam and co-founder and board member of the Scilink foundation.
Marketing Executive

Dr. Marcia Costa
Senior Editor
Márcia Costa is a Senior Editor at The Lancet Oncology. She studied biomedical engineering and biophysics at the University of Lisbon, followed by a PhD in cancer therapy at the Institute of Cancer Research. After a post-doctoral position at the same institute, she joined The Lancet as an Assistant Editor in 2018 and became a member of The Lancet Oncology in 2019.
Ana Barros
Communications Officer
Ana Barros is a Communications Officer at the European Animal Research Association (EARA) in London, UK, being responsible to improve communications and transparency about the use of animals in biomedical research. She has been nominated as an expert for the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) Mirror group - a consultative body providing advice and comment on the implementation of EPAA activities, in Brussels.

Ana Barros
Communications Officer
Ana Barros is a Communications Officer at the European Animal Research Association (EARA) in London, UK, being responsible to improve communications and transparency about the use of animals in biomedical research. She has been nominated as an expert for the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) Mirror group - a consultative body providing advice and comment on the implementation of EPAA activities, in Brussels.

Dr. Calvin Tiengwe
Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Dr. Calvin Tiengwe is a Sir Henry Dale Fellow at Imperial College London (ICL) He is originally from Cameroon but has lived in the UK and USA for the last 15 years, studying and researching various aspects of trypanosome biology and its related disease, African trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness). His fellowship funded by the Wellcome Trust enabled him to establish an independent research programme at ICL. Prior to this, he did his PhD at the University of Glasgow, UK followed by two consecutive postdoctoral fellowships at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD) and SUNY Buffalo (NY), USA.

Dr. Enitome E. Bafor
Associate Professor
Dr. Enitome Bafor is an associate professor at the University of Benin, Nigeria, and currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health, USA. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde, UK, under a scholarship from the then Education Trust Fund, Nigeria, and has also done a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Liverpool, UK, with a Grant from the Society for Reproductive Investigation, USA.

Dr. El Hadji Amadou Niang
Medical Entomologist & Vector Biologist
Medical Entomologist and Vector Biologist, and my interests encompass various aspects related to insect vector ecology, population genetics and genomics, evolution and applied consequences of insecticide resistance and the control of mosquito vectors of human disease, especially malaria's vectors. I am also lecturing for the Master of medical entomology section at the university and for senior technician of the national training schools for Health and Social Development technicians.